Sunday, October 15, 2017 Princeton NJ. The 2017 Eden Autism 2017 5K & Fun Run/Walk was another success. While the light and misty rain was unexpected it did not stop Team Diamond from coming out to support another year for Eden Autism Services. Team Captain, Cora Park, President of Diamond Business Communications and her team were thrilled to be part of all the excitement. The group met at Eden Autism home site at 2 Merwick Rd, Princeton NJ and followed a beautiful course that looped around the Merwick Road Facilities. Amazing turnout! Great prizes and even lunch cooked by Outback was provided! Fun Fall Morning. A special thanks to Tom Park, AlphaGraphics New Brunswick, Steve Ferrara of Stat Land Security Services and all the donors for Team Diamond for their support. #irun4eden, #edeninspires #diamondcommunities